General FAQs

Where can I find Fulton’s routing number my full account number?
Fulton Bank's routing number is 031301422, and this is listed at the bottom of your checks.  Your full account number will be listed at the bottom o...
Wed, 3 May, 2023 at 2:29 PM
How do I close one of my Checking or Savings accounts?
    In order to close any account with Fulton Bank the account must first be at exactly a $0.00 balance for the process to begin.  Once you have the des...
Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 1:15 PM
Where can I get a Direct Deposit Form?
Fulton Bank's routing number is 031301422, and your full account number can be found at the bottom of any checks you have on hand for the account. If yo...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 at 2:20 PM
How do I add a person to my account or change my name?
If you would like to add a person to any of your Fulton accounts please have all relevant parties stop into a local Fulton branch, all parties involved must...
Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 1:10 PM
What is an International (INTL) Service Fee?
When an international non-US dollar transaction is completed, typically online, a % fee may be assessed by Visa and MasterCard. Current regulatory requi...
Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 1:09 PM